The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (ČSKI) is a voluntary, selective organization of scientific, scientific-pedagogical and professional staff as well as students from the field of cybernetics, informatics and related fields. Its mission is to participate in the further development and raising of the level in these fields in the Czech Republic and in conceptual and pedagogical activities, as well as in the promotion and implementation of the results of scientific research activities.
The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (ČSKI) is a direct successor to the Czechoslovak Cybernetic Society founded in 1966. The goals of ČSKI include the support and popularization of the development of cybernetics, informatics and related fields; increasing the knowledge of its members, providing services to members and organizing professional life. The beginnings of cybernetics in what was then Czechoslovakia are described in an article by Z. Wünsch.
ČSKI is active through its members, who are concerned into the working groups. Membership enables direct contact in such dynamically changing fields as cybernetics and informatics are. These fields are becoming increasingly important in the modern world, e.g. in telecommunications and computer networks, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, neural networks, etc.
ČSKI obtained a license to distribute the international concept of ECDL (European Computer Driving License) in 1999 and since then is responsible for the quality of ECDL testing in the Czech Republic, issues ECDL Certificates and through the ECDL-CZ office grants license rights to perform ECDL tests to test centers, more details at The operation of ECDL in the Czech Republic is carried out in accordance with the requirements set by the international governing body, which is ECDL Foundation.
ČSKI announces the national competition Antonín Svoboda Award for the Best Ph.D.
The topic of PhD thesis falls within the scope of ČSKI's scientific activities (cybernetics, informatics, related fields). The thesis defended in 2024 at a faculty located in the Czech Republic can be applied.
For detailed information, follow the Antonín Svoboda Award link.
Pozvánka na valnou hromadu ČSKI 2024
Dovolujeme si pozvat členy ČSKI dne 11. června 2024 od 14 hodin na valnou hromadu Společnosti, která se bude konat v Červené posluchárně v budově CIIRC ČVUT (Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, 160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice). Pro vstup do budovy CIIRC použijte vchod B.
Návrh programu:
- Zahájení valné hromady.
- Zvaná přednáška prof. Josefa Kittlera Information theoretic approach to deep learning. Zvaná přednáška je otevřená široké odborné veřejnosti. (Prof. Kittler je navržen na čestného člena ČSKI).
- Zpráva o činnosti ČSKI v roce 2023 včetně informace o zapojení ČSKI do zahraničních organizací
- Zpráva o hospodaření ČSKI v uplynulém roce a zpráva revizní komise.
- Diskuse k předloženým zprávám a jejich schválení.
- Představení finalistů soutěže o Cenu A. Svobody a předání ocenění vítězům.
- Referát vítěze Ceny A. Svobody – krátké seznámení s odměněnými pracemi.
- Různé.
Etický kodex IFIP
ČSKI, jako člen International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), pro potřeby místních informatiků přeložila do českého jazyka Etický kodex IFIP. Tento dokument shrnuje principy chování, kterými by se členové ČSKI měli řídit při výkonu svého povolání.
The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (ČSKI) is a voluntary, selective organization of scientific, scientific-pedagogical and professional staff as well as students from the field of cybernetics, informatics and related fields. Its mission is to participate in the further development and raising of the level in these fields in the Czech Republic and in conceptual and pedagogical activities, as well as in the promotion and implementation of the results of scientific research activities.
The Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (ČSKI) is a direct successor to the Czechoslovak Cybernetic Society founded in 1966. The goals of ČSKI include the support and popularization of the development of cybernetics, informatics and related fields; increasing the knowledge of its members, providing services to members and organizing professional life. The beginnings of cybernetics in what was then Czechoslovakia are described in an article by Z. Wünsch.
ČSKI is active through its members, who are concerned into the working groups. Membership enables direct contact in such dynamically changing fields as cybernetics and informatics are. These fields are becoming increasingly important in the modern world, e.g. in telecommunications and computer networks, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, neural networks, etc.
ČSKI obtained a license to distribute the international concept of ECDL (European Computer Driving License) in 1999 and since then is responsible for the quality of ECDL testing in the Czech Republic, issues ECDL Certificates and through the ECDL-CZ office grants license rights to perform ECDL tests to test centers, more details at The operation of ECDL in the Czech Republic is carried out in accordance with the requirements set by the international governing body, which is ECDL Foundation.